Making it Personal

  Why care about bringing more women and minorities onto your team, sponsor them to advance in your organization, engage them so they feel included?

Because it matters to the company? Because it’s what’s expected of you?

No, it has to matter to you, personally. There isn’t one answer, but maybe you would feel better about your teams decisions if everyone didn’t just nod their head and share your opinions, or maybe you like the personal growth that comes with interacting with people who are not like you. Perhaps you want to see the company you work grow or you care enough to want it to be an attractive workplace for the young and returning workforce.  Maybe you think about your daughter (I know I do!), or a woman in your life, and think about how they would like to work where you are.  Maybe you are like me and want to inspire others. Whatever motivates and drives you, you must understand that your attitude and contribution matters.

In the Time Article GoDaddy’s CEO Blake Irving addresses the gender gap by talking about how companies “need to convert their diversity initiatives into cultural bedrock”. By engaging all employees as diversity champions a culture of inclusion is created, and it’s understood that the idea of one diversity manager doing all the work to create inclusive culture is unrealistic.

In her post Person Factor: Male Allies and the Formula for Success, Rachana Bhide talks about the individual as an instrumental component to complement with environment factor we currently use in diversity and inclusion work. By addressing the person’s attitude and thoughts we can make more progress towards equality.

As everyone is fundamentally different and has different reference points, the diversity and inclusion programs, including training, that are put in place for all employees may create more push back than engagement, and I agree with Rachana who concludes that looking to the individual contributor takes more time, but unless it matters to the person from their point of view they won’t care to change their behavior.

DocuSign’s CEO Dan Springer shares his personal story and offers improved benefits for parents, changing the attitudes of the individuals at DocuSign, and making the company more attractive for young talent.

Their thoughts and contributions matter. Your attitude and support matters. Thank you.

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with Eva Helén – Speaker, Coach, and Author 

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