Champions of Equality in Tech – Speaking Up at EQ Inspiration

EQ Inspiration Oct 19

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Equality in Tech
This all started as I was talking to Chris Yea (Wasabi Ventures) and David King (AirBnB Diversity & Inclusion) at a women in tech event. I asked them what they thought of the event and what else would be helpful. We discussed the option of having an event for men and women.

“She believed she could, so she did.”
I decided to go for it. Why wait? I have never put an event together and it’s in many way different than running a business.

I wanted role models and experts who would share their stories of how and why they support equality and advance women in tech and in their organizations. Lars Einar Engstrom has been my advisor and mentor for the past year as I embarked on this journey, and he is now coming over from Sweden to participate on Oct 19th to share his extensive knowledge and seemingly endless experiences with us. He has been working gender diversity and the role men play in this for 25 years. He’s written several books, he’s provocative, and funny, and easy for the men to relate to.

Engineering, Tech Sales, Start Up, and Investor
Role models with different backgrounds will be on our “Round Table Panel”. Bobby Johnson is an engineer. He co-founded Interana with his wife 5 years ago. She was the CEO of the co until last month, when she stepped out and let the VCs choose a replacement. Bobby watched, learned, and supported her during the fund raising and start up years. Shep Maher, a senior sales leader, shares his personal story of a single mother, his empathy for “underdogs”, the “secret” of how and why diverse sales teams outperform those that lacks diversity. His enthusiasm and optimism is contagious. Brian Pawlowski “Beepee” is an architect who talks about the careers of women engineers, what companies can do to meet their needs, and the importance of asking “why” when you get no as an answer.

Chris Yeh is an investor and the author of “The Alliance”. Chris talks about the importance of mentoring female founders, and uses a real “case” to prove it.

The Impact Support Can Have 

With the male role models and expert in place, I was looking for a woman who would share her story about how she’s been supported during her career. I meet a lot of women, but it wasn’t until I heard Noni Allwood  speak at the Better Man Conference in September that I know I had found the right person for EQ Inspiration. I am impressed by her work and she delivers a message that women can relate to AND men get!

I am so excited that I get to introduce you to these amazing people on October 19th ! More details available at

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with Eva Helén – Speaker, Coach, and Author 

Good Things are Coming. Stay Tuned

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